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Employment Law

Employment Law

Günbay Kural Abbasoğlu Law Firm is one of Turkey’s few leading law firms housing a team of lawyers fully specialised in employment law. Our employment team focuses on high-profile employment and labour law, immigration law, social security law, trade union and collective bargaining law, work health and safety law matters in various sectors and provides proactive counselling to lead our clients through laws and regulations. Our underlying drive is to develop and implement employment policies designed to minimise risk and avoid litigation for employer from all industries. In this context, we act for clients in industries including but not limited to pharmaceuticals, medical devices, cosmetics, consumer products, services, technology, energy and charity.

We provide trainings with respect to needs of our Turkish and international clients and give daily legal advices to clients in their dealings and disputes with the employees, trade unions and governmental entities. We also have considerable experience in employment aspects of multinational mergers, acquisitions and divestitures, and has been involved in highly leveraged transactions with cross border elements for various sectors.

We advise clients on all employment matters, including relations with sub-contractors, drafting company regulations, preparation and implementation of employment contracts and non-competition agreements. For our clients who employ unionised employees, we provide assistance in all management aspects of union relationships including collective labour agreements, grievances and representation before the labour courts.

We offer full assistance to international companies concerning the implementation of employee offering plans, stock options, executive compensations and benefit matters.

We also provide expert litigation services for any kind of employment related claims including but not limited to reinstatement to work lawsuits, employment receivable claims; assistance in relation to the inspections held by the Regional Labour Directorate, Turkish Labour Organization and Social Security Institution.

Our employment team is also very experienced on work health and safety matters. We provide assistance to our clients to act compliant with the relevant legislation and prevent any kind of administrative fine to be applicable or face with any dispute to be arisen by the government due to such incompliance.