GKA Law Firm is ranked as “Leading Law Firm” in Employment Law area of Legal500 7 years in a row
Based on feedback from 300,000 clients worldwide, submissions from law firms and interviews with leading private practice lawyers, and a team of researchers who have unrivalled experience in the legal market, Legal500 researches the top law firms and individual lawyers for every aspect of law for over 30 years.
Legal500, one of the most prestigious legal directories, has announced 2024 rankings of law firms in Europe. We are proud to announce that Günbay Kural Abbasoğlu Law Firm is ranked as “Leading Law Firm” and our founding partners are qualified as “Recommended Lawyers” on Employment Law in Turkey 7 years in a row. Moreover, Ahu Pamukkale, has been selected as "Leading Invidiual" on Employment Law for 2 years consecutively.