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Withholding Income Tax Incentive for New Employees

A new withholding tax incentive has been introduced with the Statutory Decree no. 687 published in the Official Gazette dated 9 February 2017 for private sector... Read More...

Is It Obligatory For The Employers To Make Wage Increase?

As we come close to the end of January, the employees are wondering whether any wage increase will be made over their salaries for the new business year and app... Read More...

The Regulation on Part-Time Work Following Maternity Leave and Unpaid Leave Has Been Enacted Today

Following the enactment of the the Law on Amendments to the Income Tax Law and Various Laws numbered 6663 on 10 February 2016 (the “Omnibus Law”), t... Read More...

Informative Note on Omnibus Law numbered 6736

Regulations under Omnibus Law numbered 6736 over Social Security Institution ReceivablesLaw on Restructuring of Some Receivables, numbered 6736 (the “Law&... Read More...