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Amendments to The Regulation For Implementation Of Direct Foreign Investment Law

Amendments to The Regulation For Implementation Of Direct Foreign Investment LawThe Regulation Amending the Regulation on the Implementation of the Direct Forei... Read More...

Taxation of Settlement Contract

With the provision added to the article 25 of the Income Tax Law No: 193 to be effective as of 27.03.2018 under Law No. 7103, published in the 2. Reiterated Off... Read More...

Personal Data Protection Board Decision Re Dates for Registration with Data Controllers Registry

The Data Protection Authority ("Authority") published its decision dated 18 August 2018 for the registration of data controllers under Data Controllers Registry... Read More...

Amendments Brought by Law on Labour Courts

Amendments Brought by Law on Labour Courts The new Law on Labour Courts numbered 7036 (the “Law”) has been published in the Official Gazette on... Read More...

Expected Amendments on Tax Legislations

The Draft Law Amending Various Tax Law and Law and Statutory Decrees (the “Draft Law”) has been brought before the Parliament. Following enactment o... Read More...

Amendments on Labour Law Legislation Entered into Force

This memorandum is prepared to inform you on legislative amendments regulated under;➢ The Regulation Amending the Regulation regarding the Amendments on Annual ... Read More...

Regulations have been published regarding newly introduced VAT exemption for real estate sales to non-resident persons and corporations

The Law numbered 6824 enabled the exemption of real estate (residential or business) sales made to non-resident real persons and corporations from VAT by includ... Read More...

Regulation On Turquoise Card

The Regulation on Turquoise Card (the “Regulation”) drafted on the basis of Articles 11 and 25 of the International Labour Force Law No. 6735 (the "... Read More...