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Bulletin Details



Amendments to the Regulation on Occupational Health and Safety Services to be Provided by the Employer or Employer's Representative
In Workplaces
In the first paragraph of Article 5 of the Regulation, the phrase “who has completed and succeeded in the exam” has been amended as “who has completed” and the phrase “without the requirement to appoint an occupational safety specialist or occupational physician” has been added to the same paragraph.
In this context, with the new regulation, employers or employer representatives who have completed the training specified in the Regulation will be able to carry out the duties assigned to occupational safety specialists or workplace doctors in the occupational health and safety legislation without the requirement of assigning an occupational safety specialist or workplace doctor, except for recruitment and periodic examinations and surveys.  
The second paragraph of Article 7 of the same Regulation has also been amended and it is regulated that the health reports required under the Law must be obtained from the workplace doctors and for workplaces with less than 50 employees and classified as less hazardous workplaces, such reports can be obtained from the employee health center (ÇASMER), family doctors or other public health service providers.
The first paragraph of Article 10 of the same Regulation has also been amended and it has been regulated that the trainings specified in the Regulation will be provided by universities, public institutions and organizations, professional organizations in the nature of public institutions or employee and employer organizations by signing a protocol with the Ministry.

Amendments to the Regulation on the Procedures and Principles of Occupational Health and Safety Training of Employees

Paragraph 7 of Article 12 of the Regulation has been amended and it has been regulated that primary trainings to be given for the first time and repetitive primary trainings to be given in workplaces classified as less hazardous and having less than 10 employees can be fulfilled by using distance education method.
In addition, it is stated that primary trainings to be given to employees, except for primary trainings to be given for the first time in private less hazardous workplaces with 10 or more employees and in workplaces classified as hazardous and very hazardous, can be fulfilled by using distance education method in case the employer prepares the contents specific to the work and workplace and provides the necessary distance education management system.
With the amendments made to subparagraphs (b) and (ç) of the first paragraph of Article 15/A of the same Regulation, it is regulated that;

  • Training provided with the distance education management system will be synchronous or asynchronous for workplaces with less than 10 employees and in the less hazardous class and be synchronous in less hazardous workplaces with more than 10 employees and in workplaces in the hazardous and very hazardous classes,
  • The content of the primary training program to be given in workplaces with less than 10 employees and classified as less hazardous will be prepared in a job-specific manner, and the content of the primary training program to be given in private workplaces with more than 10 employees and classified as less hazardous and in workplaces classified as hazardous and very hazardous will be prepared in accordance with the training levels of the participants, specific to the work and workplace, using the elements of the work and working environment that employees know and recognize.