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Duygu Abbasoğlu

Duygu Abbasoğlu


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Legal 500 Recommended Lawyer

Duygu Abbasoğlu

Duygu Abbasoglu Ceyhan has extensive experience in all aspects of individual and collective labour law, social security law, compliance, dispute resolution, regulatory and white-collar crime law both contentious and non-contentious matters.

Duygu provides legal advice to domestic and international companies in a broad range of sectors of pharmaceuticals, construction, logistics, automotive, machinery, telecommunications, food and beverage, and retail.

Prior to the establishment of Gunbay Kural Abbasoglu Law Firm, Duygu worked in a reputable and top-tier law firm in Istanbul.

"Both Ahu and Duygu are outstanding commercial lawyers, a real pleasure to deal with, and clearly experts in the field of Turkish labour law."

-Legal 500, 2022


  • University:
    Bilgi University, Faculty of Law, LL.B.
  • High School:
    Koç School


  • Istanbul Bar Association
  • Koc Alumni Association